Jolly Festive, Jeeves
Released on 2nd November 2023
A joyous romp through a year of Wodehouse’s most treasured stories, month by month. The ultimate gift for anyone who needs cheering throughout the year. All of his treasured characters are here, Jeeves, Smith and, of course, the Empress of Blandings herself.
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For as long as I'm immersed in a P.G. Wodehouse book, it's possible to keep the real world at bay and live in a far, far nicer, funnier one.
Wodehouse is as loved as ever, and his vivid prose style and unique comic invention are major contributions to English fiction.
Paper has rarely been put to better use.
Ingenious. Worth reading again and again.
Incomparable and timeless genius.
The funniest writer ever to put words to paper.
Wodehouse is the greatest comic writer.
Gloriously funny.
You don't analyse such sunlit perfection, you just bask in its warmth and splendour.